Parenting Support

Parenting capacity building appointments can support you to develop new skills, tools and strategies to:

  • Connect with your child

  • Manage behaviours effectively

  • Develop and maintain rules and boundaries

  • Help your child navigate their inner world
    These appointments are practical, educational and evidence-based and focus on your unique parenting challenges and strengths. We may also explore your own family of origin and how the way you were parented, and/or your beliefs about yourself as a parent, affect your parenting.

Individual appointments

Group workshops

(In-person and telehealth available)

Emotional Regulation

Tantrums, meltdowns and big emotions are all part of being a child. Learn new strategies to understand, accept, validate and problem-solve with your child whilst they’re experiencing big feelings.

Behavioural challenges and concerns

Challenging behaviours are often due to unmet needs and big feelings, and your child seeking connection with you. Parenting support appointments can help you to understand what’s beneath a behaviour and set and maintain consistent boundaries and limits.

Adjustment to life changes

Family separation, moving house, changing schools, the death of a loved one- life changes can be very confusing and challenging for a child to understand, navigate and adjust to. Learn evidence-based co-parenting strategies and adjustment tips which are child-focused and practical.

Managing screen-time, eating & sibling conflict

Learn practical and evidence-based strategies to manage children’s’ screen-time, gaming, and social media use in a safe and engaging way. We can also support you with fussy eating and sibling conflict.

Man and young daughter hike in a forest, wearing backpacks. The daughter is walking with a large stick she found.